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Daily Meditation Podcast is brought to you by Declutter The Mind. a free guided meditation app where you can find all the guided meditation practices from this podcast, and a lot more.

Apr 29, 2022

Your ego is your false self. A mask you put on to impress others and to fit in. It's an image your ego wants to portray or who others think you are. This 20 minute guided meditation practice helps us overcome and let go of our ego with mindfulness and acceptance.

#guidedmeditation #unwind #mindfulness

This guided...

Apr 28, 2022

Take 15 minutes after dinner or before bed to practice meditation and unwind for the evening. Add this guided meditation to your evening routine to help you fall asleep faster, clear the mind, and relax for the night.

#guidedmeditation #evening #mindfulness

This guided meditation practice is from our app, Declutter...

Apr 27, 2022

This 20 minute guided meditation practice for sleep will help you fall asleep faster with a simple talk down that focuses on the breath and relaxing the body and mind.

#guidedmeditation #sleep #mindfulness

This guided meditation practice is from our app, Declutter The Mind. You can download it for iOS and Android for...

Apr 26, 2022

Don't let your emotions control or consume you. Take this 10 minute guided meditation practice to help you control the emotions you're suffering the most from such as anxiety, fear, and worry.

#guidedmeditation #emotions #mindfulness

This guided meditation practice is from our app, Declutter The Mind. You can download...

Apr 25, 2022

Cool the fire of your anger and aggression with this 15 minute guided meditation practice. We'll use mindfulness and a simple visualization to help you calm down and let go of any anger and aggression you may be feeling and holding on to.

#guidedmeditation #aggression #mindfulness

This guided meditation practice is from...