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Daily Meditation Podcast is brought to you by Declutter The Mind. a free guided meditation app where you can find all the guided meditation practices from this podcast, and a lot more.

Jul 27, 2021

If you're feeling paralyzed by anxiety and fear, this 15 minute guided meditation practice will help you overcome those feelings through mindfulness and grounding your attention on the breath.

#guidedmeditation #anxiety #mindfulness

This guided meditation practice is from our app, Declutter The Mind. You can download it...

Jul 22, 2021

In this guided meditation practice for hope, we'll take 10 minutes of our day to set an intention for hopefulness and do some loving-kindness towards ourself.

#guidedmeditation #hope #mindfulness

This guided meditation practice is from our app, Declutter The Mind. You can download it for iOS and Android for...

Jul 20, 2021

This 15 minute guided meditation practice will help you gain insight into the true state of consciousness and the mind. This guided meditation will serve as a timer as you practice insight into awareness and noticing awareness of awareness.

#guidedmeditation #insight #mindfulness

This guided meditation practice is from...

Jul 15, 2021

In this 10 minute guided practice, we'll mindfully practice the art of noticing awareness. When we can begin to see consciousness and mind as it actually is, it builds wisdom. It allows us to see our thoughts, perceptions, and feelings for what they are: objects that appear in this open and vast space in the...

Jul 13, 2021

If you suffer from obsessive compulsive disorder and you're struggling to meditate, this 15 minute guided meditation practice is designed for you. OCD shouldn't prevent you from enjoying meditation, let this practice help you be more mindful and notice your obsessions.

#guidedmeditation #ocd #mindfulness

This guided...